When you ever had to unblock your sewer then you know that this entails considerable cost. With a service agreement from Riool Amsterdam you can definitely avoid these costs.
24/7 Professional Services
A blockage in your drain system is always unexpected. It is reassuring to know that Riool Amsterdam helps you with one phone call. Riool Amsterdam is available day and night to clear your blockages. Urgent blockages are properly and professionally solved the same day. We are ISO 14001, 9001 and VCA ** certified by KIWA and a member of UNETO-VNI. Why look further? Riool Amsterdam guarantees professional services!
No unexpected costs with a service agreement!
A service agreement of Riool Amsterdam will cost you € 99.00 incl. VAT per year. No call out rates, No wages and no materials. In most cases, all the costs will be covered.
You can pay the agreement costs per year or quarterly by means of a automatic banking collection. Our service can be used one month after subscription! If you had Riool Amsterdam dissolve a blockage the subscription will cost you in the first year only € 49.00 incl. VAT.
Additional benefit for our customers
As a holder of a 24/7 service agreement you are assured day and night of a working drain. Additionally you will receive up to 25% discount on other activities by Riool Amsterdam. As a customer you can commit Riool Amsterdam to partially or completely renew your sewer system, a camera inspection or replace inadequate sewage parts in or around your property. Our expert staff are available to answer your problems and solve it quickly and expertly.