Unblocking the shower Drain
Are you having a nice shower, is the shower tray overflowing! This is obviously never welcome. Your shower drain is blocked! Even unclogging the shower drain seems simple, but it is often not.
What causes blockage?
The shower drain becomes clogged easily with all kinds of objects. While showering, we lose unnoticed things like hairpins, earrings, etc, these disappear easily in the shower drain. During the time dirt and hairs attach itself to the “lost” objects. Eventually, there may be a substantial blockage and you need to unclog your drain.
Professional unclogging you shower drain
If you can not resolve the blockage your own, let the professionals of Riool Amsterdam unclog your shower drain. The service vehicles of Riool Amsterdam are equipped with the most modern deblockage equipment. Our friendly sewer mechanics have proper training and experience, including unblocking a shower drain. Our mechanics will prevent your sewer problems becoming bigger.